Family Nursing & Home Care (FNHC) are committed, along with our partners, to improve the health and wellbeing of ‘Children Looked After’ in Jersey.

‘Children Looked After’ are children who are in foster care or residential homes or those who are still living with their parents but are subject to a ‘Care Order’. The term ‘Children Looked After’ also includes children who are temporarily looked after for respite on a planned basis.

Jersey, like any local authority in the UK, has a population of ‘Children Looked After’ and young people either in foster care, residential homes, ‘kinship care’ (with relatives) or adoptive placements.

The FNHC ‘Children Looked After’ Nurse works exclusively with ‘Children Looked After’ and young people to understand their needs, to deliver the best possible care with dignity at the core of our service. They work closely with Social Work colleagues in Children’s Services to define individual care plans and ensure that health assessments are completed in a timely manner. This includes British Association of Adoption and Fostering (BAAF) health assessments which are undertaken every six months for children under five and annually for children over the age of five.  The initial health assessment is completed with a Medical Advisor, Paediatrician and a CLA Nurse.  Where referrals are required, they can be fast tracked.


Kindness is a priority: to our patients, partners and each other. We have the courage to do things differently and strive to provide innovation and new levels of care to the community.


When you need us we will be there.

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Our Children, Young People & Family Services

Child Accident Prevention (CAP)

Children’s Community Nursing

Health Visitor

School Nurses

Baby Steps

Children, Young People & Families

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